The pandemic in Africa is not just a crisis of public health or the economy, It’s a political one, too.

The pandemic in Africa is not just a crisis of public health or the economy, It’s a political one, too.

Writing in The Economist, former senior UN official Alan Doss and founder of Celtel Mo Ibrahim argue that the pandemic threatens the democratic progress made in Africa in recent years."Hard times often make people especially vulnerable to the siren song of populists and extremists trading on communal enmities," they write.At least 18 African countries are expected to hold national elections this year. But unless proper laws are in place, suspending elections amid the pandemic could erode democracy.To prevent this from happening, Mr Doss and Mr Ibrahim explain, there are several steps African governments and the public can take
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Seyed Hassan Nasrallah

Seyed Hassan Nasrallah

"The option of buying gasoline and gas from Iran, in the national currency as a result of previous experiences should be considered by the Lebanese , but I have not yet spoken to the Iranians on this issue."
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Foreign Affairs: America’s Opportunity in the Middle East; Diplomacy Could Succeed Where Military Force Has Failed

Foreign Affairs: America’s Opportunity in the Middle East; Diplomacy Could Succeed Where Military Force Has Failed

U.S. foreign policy hands are rightly grappling with how engaged the United States should be in the Middle East. Thought-provoking essays by Martin Indyk (in The Wall Street Journal) and Mara Karlin and Tamara Cofman Wittes (in Foreign Affairs) have argued that the United States has few remaining vital interests—those worth going to war over—in the region. Washington should “do less” in the Middle East, as Karlin and Wittes put it, and lighten the U.S. footprint because, as the headline of Indyk’s essay noted, it “isn’t worth it.” Gone are the days when 180,000 U.S. troops fought in Iraq or when spiking…
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Foreign Policy Research Institute Proposals for Strategic Change in US Behavior in the Middle East:

Foreign Policy Research Institute Proposals for Strategic Change in US Behavior in the Middle East:

"Although Iran has so far posed major challenges to US national security, it is unwise for the United States to focus on Iran and ignore Russia. So while this may seem like a defeat and a disgrace, the United States must quickly de-escalate tensions with Iran, return its issues with Iran to diplomatic avenues such as JCPOA, take its military from the Middle East and focus on Russia and Europe.”Aaron Stein - Middle East Program Director
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