BY: Mohammad Ghaderi

PEJOURNAL – CBS host Oprah Winfrey’s Sunday night interview with the British Queen’s granddaughter “Prince Harry” and his half-wife “Meghan Markle” caused more controversy than expected.
About a year ago, Harry, the son of “Prince Charles” and “Princess Diana”, left London and immigrated to the United States with his wife for the reasons mentioned in this interview.
The most important part of this controversial interview, which became the headline of the world media, was nothing but the “racism and lies” of the British royal family, which was revealed by the bride of this family, Meghan Markle, and her husband, Harry.
In this two-hour interview, Markle refers to her “deadly loneliness” and mentions that she thought of committing suicide after her marriage in 2018; I was five months pregnant when I decided to commit suicide due to the bad behavior of the royal family, but it was only my wife who rushed to my aid.
In explaining the bad behavior of the royal family, Meghan Markle points to their racism and adds; Before the birth of their son “Archie”, they were worried about how dark his skin would be, and for this reason, they withheld the title “Prince” from him, who is now one year old!
“I was afraid of repeating history,” Meghan said, referring to the death threat, saying “I was afraid of repeating history.”
Many media outlets around the world have interpreted Prince Harry as repeating history, referring to the death of his mother, Princess Diana, after a divorce from Charles in August 1997, was killed with her Muslim-Egyptian fiancé Dodi Al-Fayed in a suspicious accident in Paris.
Another important point that Prince Harry made in this interview is the bad behavior of his father, Charles, and his grandmother, the Queen, an issue that has brought Prince Charles’ immoral issues back to the media in recent days.
Charles blamed Diana’s immoral relationship for the breakup, which Diana blamed for a heavy shadow in her life before her death. Of course, Prince Charles’ immoral relationship had escalated, especially after he became acquainted with the corruption network of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein.
Anyway; Meghan and Harry’s extensive revelations about a wide range of issues related to Queen Elizabeth’s family, including racism, lying, corruption in the royal apparatus, etc., have led to new family scandals that have been raped and criminalized around the world for years on human rights issues. So we have to wait and see if the racist Queen of Buckingham will decide the same fate of Diana for Meghan?