PEJOURNAL – In this article, the modeling strategy in Iran’s regional policy in West Asia is examined and the successes and limitations in this field are evaluated.
The victory of the revolution set a precedent for the Islamic countries of West Asia to take steps to achieve their goals. The anti-arrogance and anti-authoritarian nature of the revolution was attractive to the oppressed nations of the region, and its continuation in the form of the Islamic Republic and resistance to foreign powers added to this attractiveness. Therefore, the modeling of some West Asian countries from Iran has continued with intensity and weakness over the past forty years.
In the meantime, the Arrogant Front is trying to prevent the modeling of Iran in the region by creating numerous problems and struggling in various political, economic and cultural fronts. While Iran considers modeling as a basic strategy in the policy of exporting the revolution in order to develop and maintain Iran’s influence in West Asia and increase the depth of its soft power in the region.
Modeling Iran’s main strategy in the region
One area in which the concept of model can be meaningfully, competitively, and even controversially developed is the field of international relations. Assuming that the science of international relations basically seeks to study the order of structural equations, actors, and their patterns of behavior. Accordingly, modeling is on the way to creating a favorable order for the actors, whose interests can be achieved in such a framework. It is natural that with such an attitude to the concept of modeling on the one hand and accepting the multiplicity of desirable disciplines for different actors on the other hand, the competitive nature of modeling becomes apparent.
Modeling is one of the most important and main strategies of the Islamic Republic. According to it, Iran should be an example in other countries in its foreign policy and its governance should be considered as a model for other countries, especially Islamic countries. The 20-year vision document states that in 1404 Iran should be an inspiring country in all fields for the countries of the region and inspire them in the shadow of scientific, technological and economic achievements and capabilities.
With the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the process of inspiring Iran for the nation Muslim groups in West Asia and North Africa intensified. But it was mainly after the Islamic Awakening that many nations sought to achieve an independent political system. In the meantime, one of the models that stood before the nations of the region was the Islamic Republic.
The victory of the revolution created a model for the Islamic countries of West Asia to take steps to achieve their goals. The anti-arrogance and anti-authoritarian nature of the revolution was attractive to the oppressed nations of the region, and its continuation in the form of the Islamic Republic and resistance to foreign powers added to this attractiveness.
Modeling successes
Despite the sabotage of the arrogant front against the strategies of the Islamic Republic, it can be said that the modeling policy has been relatively successful in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen. If today Iran’s influence in these countries is more than the years before the revolution and some politicians of these countries are following the example of Iran’s strategies.
The formation of Hezbollah in Lebanon and the deepening of the resistance approach to Zionism in the diverse society of this country, including during the 2006 war; The formation of resistance groups in Iraq and the expulsion of the United States from this country in 2011 and then the formation of a popular uprising to fight ISIS; The Syrian government’s efforts to counter US Takfiri and extremist terrorism during the civil war and the Yemeni Ansarullah’s will to counter any occupation under the most severe human siege are examples of the Iranian revolution’s ideal of independence and arrogance.
In addition to geographical proximity, one of the reasons for this success can be considered the cultural and especially religious homogeneity between the majority of Iranians and the mentioned communities, which are mainly Shiite and about the Syrian ruling body to the Alawite religion. Also, the common danger of Zionism, especially in the historical experience of the Syrian and Lebanese peoples, is another factor that has facilitated this modeling.
Iranian modeling is more tangible in some dimensions. One of the influences in the cultural dimension is the return to self or Islamic identity. This impact occurred in Afghanistan and Pakistan in the east to Iraq and Lebanon in the west. During the Islamic Awakening, Iran also tried to promote the model of Islamism in Egypt and Tunisia. Although Iran did not seek to establish regimes such as the Islamic Republic in the target countries due to religious differences, but nevertheless, by emphasizing commonalities, creates more grounds for convergence.
Foreign policy is another dimension of Iran’s modeling success. Iran’s resistance against the superpowers and colonial countries and supporting the liberation of Holy Quds from the clutches of Zionism has been considered by the people and some leaders of West Asian countries. Iran has been able to reinforce these ideas in the region. Today, some nations in the region stand up to the extravagance and coercion of the arrogant front and have a completely negative attitude towards the experience of the Zionist occupation.
Modeling limitations
Although Iran has been able to achieve modeling in the region in various dimensions, there are limitations in this regard. Among them is the fear and hostility of the United States. The US restrictions on modeling Iran were pursued in both negative and positive areas. In the negative sphere, the United States tried to destroy the Iranian model.
Accordingly, then US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in an interview with the Nile government network in Egypt, called the Iranian revolution a kidnapped revolution and called on the people of Arab countries, including Egypt and Tunisia, to learn a lesson from it! He said that Egypt is the best example of rejecting the Iranian model because the freedom and rights of the Iranian people have been violated in the wake of the revolution, and this is not what the Egyptians are looking for.
Turkey was mainly for countries in the region, to replace the Iranian model. In addition to US restrictions, its regional allies may be trying to establish terrorist groups in Syria and then in Iraq to counter Iranian influence. In the media dimension, while intensifying psychological operations aimed at the Shiite / Sunni or non-Arab / Arab dichotomies, it will damage Iran’s relations with the communities of the region. The enemy media is trying to present its distorted image of Iran in the region. Presenting such a face of Iran hinders its modeling and success. In order to deal with these limitations, some points should be considered. These solutions include the following:
Countering the enemy’s media attack must be considered. It is necessary for the national media and other regional media in Iran, especially the Arabic-language networks, to present a realistic picture of Iran so that the people of the region can get to know the truth properly.
The expansion of political and economic relations with the countries of the region, by strengthening bilateral or multilateral cooperation and showing the usefulness of relations with Iran, changed the perception and mentality of the people of the region towards Iran and provided a more realistic mentality.
To deepen modeling in West Asia, it is necessary to use previous achievements and experiences and design a strategy based on the characteristics, values and indigenous culture of each of the target countries that can best model the Islamic Republic of Iran in the region.
In addition to geographical proximity, one of the reasons for this success can be considered the cultural and especially religious homogeneity between the majority of Iranians and the mentioned communities, which are mainly Shiite and about the Syrian ruling body is inclined to the Alawite religion.
Ignoring the experiences of other countries and the ways they have gone can jeopardize national interests. Countries need to establish specific strategies and methods to achieve their goals in the global arena. Hence, they try to base their actions on a certain pattern of behavior. Given the experiences of the great revolutions in pursuing the policy of exporting the revolution and the strategic deepening of ideals and values in the region around them, it is necessary to put a plan on the agenda that can strengthen the current strengths and cover the weaknesses.