
How do the North American elections influence West Asia?

How do the North American elections influence West Asia?

BY: Valeria Rodriguez PEJOURNAL - While there are conflicting positions in West Asia between Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran and Qatar, there are likely to be some changes, but not substantive, in the United States' relationship with West Asia. The relationship with Israel is historic as it is considered a satellite state of the United States. With Trump's administration the relationship was practically carnal, the United States supported each of the violations of international law by Israel. Some examples of this were the transfer of the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the Deal of the Century…
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What’s going on with climate policy in the U.S. ?

What’s going on with climate policy in the U.S. ?

BY: Michael Robbins So far in the presidential race the focus has been on mostly issues surrounding social justice, inequality, and revamping the middle class. Much less has been uttered in terms of climate change policy. There was a hint of this topic in the first presidential debate, but not nearly enough, where Biden stuttered and mentioned that skyscrapers should be more energy efficient. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to actually having a mitigation strategy. Policies are long and detailed. Rhetoric is short and appeals to emotion. It would be a good time though,…
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