To the CEO of Google
“””Mr. Sundar Pichai”””;
The World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st comes in less than two weeks. This is a very important day for us and a significant part of the world’s population.
Coronavirus and 2020 have taught us great lessons and one of the most important ones may be that our planet, “Earth”, more than anything needs goodness, being good, and staying good.
We would like to ask you, as the CEO of Google, to add “mismatched colored socks”, which is a universally accepted sign for World Down Syndrome Day to Google’s main logo on March 21st. The goal is to appreciate every single person with Down Syndrome in the world; as people with Down Syndrome have always been one of the best human beings in every community, both before the Coronavirus era and now.
This “goodness” will flourish with appreciation, and by doing so on March 21st, an extensive awareness about these people will be carried out in collaboration with your great company.
Dear Google!
I hope you’ll be wearing your mismatched colored socks on March 21st.
Thank you in advance for your attention and cooperation.
Dr. Azadeh Abbaszadeh
March 8, 2021