
British Government Announces Major Defense Spending Boost

British Government Announces Major Defense Spending Boost

BY: Daniel Darling In what may reasonably be described as a surprise, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced a major investment package for the Ministry of Defense – marking the largest such spending boost since the end of the Cold War. The four-year funding deal amounts to an extra £16.5 billion ($21.9 billion) for the armed forces – a sharp break from the expected financial squeeze facing the MoD as the U.K. struggles with the economic and fiscal fallout stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. When Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak cancelled the expected comprehensive spending review in October…
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From Hegemony To Hedgemony

From Hegemony To Hedgemony

BY: Leonid Savin PEJOURNAL - The RAND corporation has unveiled a unique defence planning and response project called “Hedgemony”. As is clear from the name, it is a play on the words “hegemony” and “hedging”, i.e. managing and insuring against risk. “Hedgemony. A Game of Strategic Choices” is a practical tool that RAND researchers have created to teach US specialists in defence and related areas. Its mission is to provide a better understanding of how different strategies could influence key planning factors in the sphere of trade at the intersection of force development, force management, force posture, and force employment.…
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