PEJOURNAL – Following recent flagrant insults to the Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in France, the strong support of the French President and the Cabinet of that country for these malicious actions under the guise of “freedom of expression,” and also the role played by that government in spreading Islamophobia, Grand Ayatollah Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, has raised important questions in a message to the French youth. Here is the full text of his message:
In His Name
Young French people!
Ask your President why he supports insulting God’s Messenger in the name of freedom of expression. Does freedom of expression mean insulting, especially a sacred personage? Isn’t this stupid act an insult to the reason of the people who elected him?
The next question to ask is: why is it a crime to raise doubts about the Holocaust? Why should anyone who writes about such doubts be imprisoned while insulting the Prophet (pbuh) is allowed?
Sayyid Ali Khamenei
October 28, 2020