PEJOURNAL – The Nujaba movement strongly condemned the US attack on the Hashd al-Shabi border posts on the Iraqi-Syrian border, and warned the perpetrators and facilitators of this crime that the resistance would respond harshly and proportionately.
The Islamic Resistance of Nujaba has issued an official statement condemning the US airstrikes on the Iraqi border and stressed that the Iraqi resistance will not leave this crime unanswered.
The statement from Nujaba said: “At a time when this dear country is facing dangerous mazes in all areas, the American occupying forces are expanding their actions in violation of Iraqi sovereignty and, in addition to invading the territory of this land, have increased the number of their forces, have installed defense systems inside the cities and interfered in security and political issues.”
The Islamic Resistance of the Nujaba continued by condemning the new crime of the American occupiers in targeting a number of Hashd al-Shabi militants, noting that the task of these fighters is to protect the borders of Iraq against US-backed terrorists who are financed by Wahhabism.
At the end of their statement, Nujaba emphasized that the crimes of the enemy increase the determination of the Mujahideen to fight terrorism and expel the occupiers, stating: “Resistance will respond to this crime in a hard and proportionate manner, and the perpetrators will pay a heavy price.” Also, at the time of revenge, the accomplices and facilitators of this crime will not be ignored.