PEJOURNAL – The United States seeks to maintain Iran’s arms embargo under the pretext of controlling Iran, and to invalidate Security Council Resolution 2231 as a binding document supporting JCPOA.
Iran has also made the most progress in the field of design and production of modern and conventional weapons during the years of sanctions.
Washington’s real goal is to neutralize Resolution 2231 and to continue unilateralism to humiliate the international community, especially Russia, China and Europe.
Europe’s passive action in presenting the proposal of the recent anti-Iranian resolution at the Board of Governors meeting showed that Europe is still ready to be humiliated by the United States.
China and Russia, the main rivals of the US in its National Security Strategy, are trying to prevent Washington from continuing its unilateralist approach.
October 18, 2020 is a historic test for countries claiming power and influence in the international system, especially the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.
Any European retreat against the United States or the failure of Russia and China to prevent illegal and unlawful actions by the United States would mean their practical withdrawal from JCPOA and the complete loss of credibility and influence of this international agreement.