nuclear power plant

The First Nuclear Power Plant in Arab World

The First Nuclear Power Plant in Arab World

BY: Daniel Ranjbar PEJOURNAL - The United Arab Emirates grew to be the first Arab Country to open a Nuclear Power Plant on Saturday, raising concerns about the long-term consequences of introducing more nuclear programs to the Middle East. Two other countries in the region — Israel and Iran — already have nuclear capabilities. Israel has an unacknowledged nuclear weapons arsenal and Iran has a controversial uranium enrichment program that it insists is fully for peaceable purposes. The U.A.E., a tiny kingdom that has grown to be a regional heavyweight and international enterprise center, said it constructed the plant to…
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Bushehr nuclear power plant connected to Iran national electricity network

Bushehr nuclear power plant connected to Iran national electricity network

PEJOURNAL - Reza Banazadeh stated that for the first time, the operation of replacing annual fuel and periodic repairs of the main equipment of Bushehr nuclear power plant has been carried out by capable specialists of this advanced nuclear center: "The plant was reconnected to the country's national electricity grid after successful tests." This national achievement was achieved by considering the current special conditions and in order to prevent the outbreak of coronavirus in this vital center of the country and to use the necessary measures and health protocols, with the minimal use of the employees of contractors, the activities…
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