
Why tents risen at Gaza border?

Why tents risen at Gaza border?

As nearly 7 months have passed since the Zionist’s crime in the Gaza Strip and the repeated failures of the regime's leaders in achieving their perceived goals, the efforts of Zionist settlers to return to settlements bordering Gaza have intensified in protest of the current situation. The crimes and genocide of the Zionist regime were in their seventh month when, in a remarkable turn of events, a group of Israeli settlers announced that on April 25, simultaneous with Passover (also called Pesach) they would set up tents at the nearest point of the Gaza border for the immediate return of…
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Challenges of the UAE pendulum game in the Middle East region

Challenges of the UAE pendulum game in the Middle East region

BY: Pooya Mirzaei PEJOURNAL - The Negev meeting was attended by the US and Israeli foreign ministers and officials from Bahrain, Morocco, and Egypt. The United Arab Emirates, which took the lead in Abraham Accords to normalize relations with the Zionist regime, was also one of the countries that attended the recent meeting. A look at the country's foreign policy record over the past year shows that Abu Dhabi is facing a serious contradiction in its approach to foreign relations. In the last two years, the UAE government has taken a new approach to develop relations with countries such as…
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Areas of Artificial Intelligence with strategic applications

Areas of Artificial Intelligence with strategic applications

PEJOURNAL - First applications of Artificial Intelligence date back to the World War II, which was used for encrypting and decrypting based on machine learning. Artificial intelligence has a wide and various range of applications, covering from production of goods to help solving complicated issues and working with biometric data. Artificial Intelligence has different levels containing limited area of carrying out normal and routine duties of a human to public areas such as understanding the environment like a human and even a higher level of human understanding. Artificial Intelligence higher than human understanding has not been materialized yet but in…
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AUKUS: From breaking the Non‑Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to the global insecurity

AUKUS: From breaking the Non‑Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to the global insecurity

BY: Pooya Mirzaei PEJOURNAL - The leaders of the United States, Britain and Australia signed a diplomatic, security and military co-operation agreement targeting the Indo-Pacific region, that is called AUKUS. The key point in AUKUS is that Australia's nuclear submarine program will be the first major project of this pact that will help Australia acquire nuclear submarines. Although the media and political circles claim that the purpose of AUKUS agreement is to counter China's growing influence in the world, a deep look at AUKUS reveals several important points: First; The agreement focuses on Australia's acquisition of a nuclear submarine in…
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As the U.S. “Empire” frays, there is Zubeidi and his colleagues

As the U.S. “Empire” frays, there is Zubeidi and his colleagues

BY: Martin Love PEJOURNAL - It has been reported that Zakaria Zubeidi, one of the four of six escapees from maximum security Gilboa Prison in the West Bank who was recaptured by Zionist thugs, has been admitted to an ICU at an Israeli hospital after repeated rounds of torture that included breaking one of his legs and then hanging him upside down by his broken leg, among other atrocities. As for the two escapees who have not yet been recaptured, it has been suggested that one of them MAY have been able to cross into Lebanon, given some unconfirmed evidence…
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Middle East is a possible host for World War III

Middle East is a possible host for World War III

BY: William Holmes PEJOURNAL – The policy of US sanctions and addiction to forcing non-aligned countries to adhere to its maximum-policies has created new lines of resistance in the international system including Middle East. Globally, in the aftermath of the Cold War and the undisputed power of the Americans over the international system, sanctions diplomacy has been widely used in US foreign policy. The lack of global rivals after the fall of the Soviet Union, which led to the creation of a new world order to the detriment of American interests, in turn paved the way for a monopoly of…
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Is Thailand under Israeli influence?

Is Thailand under Israeli influence?

PEJOURNAL - On June 3, a group of Muslims in Thailand show solidarity with Palestine and support the campaign against Israeli occupation by putting up the Palestinian flag with the message #FreePALESTINE" on a large billboard in the center of Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. After that, it had been reported that a high-rank Thai police officer from the special branch had pressured the advertising agency and the billboard owner to remove the billboard because they were afraid it would affect the relationship between Thailand and Israel. However, they had been rejected. Later there was an attempt to create more…
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Professor Cengiz Tomar: Only force can stop Israel

Professor Cengiz Tomar: Only force can stop Israel

PEJOURNAL - The Turkish scholar Professor Cengiz Tomar said that the recent aggression by Israel in the region against the Palestinians in Quds and part of Palestine is aimed at "complete Judaization of Al-Quds, destruction of Islamic buildings in Al-Aqsa Mosque and reconstruction of "Solomon's Temple".  Tomar referred to the failure of the Israeli PM in the formation of the cabinet after four rounds of elections, saying that, "To resolve this political crisis, Netanyahu is using the issue of Quds, Sheikh Jarrah and Al-Aqsa Mosque to gain the support of the far-right." According to the Turkish expert, nothing but power can stop…
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Richard Anderson Falk: US backing Israel for its strategic interests in region

Richard Anderson Falk: US backing Israel for its strategic interests in region

PEJOURNAL - Richard Falk believes that US Government backs Israel because of its strategic interests in the region and partly as a reflection of well-organized pro-Israeli lobbying, which has been very effective with the US Congress. Every year, millions of Muslims mark International Quds to underscore the plight of Palestinians as a manifestation of the Palestinian cause, heeding a call by the late founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini (RA), who designated the last Friday of every Ramadan as the International Quds Day. Quds Day is a unique form of a wide-aware campaign against the Israeli occupation of Palestine.…
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Middle East’s future to be determined by Axis of Resistance

Middle East’s future to be determined by Axis of Resistance

PEJOURNAL - Delivering a televised speech in the context of the “Unified Platform” event organized by Al-Mayadeen News Network on Al-Quds Day, Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated the resistance commitment to the Palestinian cause and called for expressing loyalty to Al-Quds and Palestine courageously and honestly. Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah highlighted on Wednesday the role of Al-Quds locals in the recent confrontation with the Israel enemy, describing the simultaneous reaction of the West Bank and the critical military support from Gaza as an important development. Sayyed Nasrallah listed the positive factors which accompany Al-Quds Day this year, highlighting the importance…
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