Zionist regime

Why tents risen at Gaza border?

Why tents risen at Gaza border?

As nearly 7 months have passed since the Zionist’s crime in the Gaza Strip and the repeated failures of the regime's leaders in achieving their perceived goals, the efforts of Zionist settlers to return to settlements bordering Gaza have intensified in protest of the current situation. The crimes and genocide of the Zionist regime were in their seventh month when, in a remarkable turn of events, a group of Israeli settlers announced that on April 25, simultaneous with Passover (also called Pesach) they would set up tents at the nearest point of the Gaza border for the immediate return of…
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Manama dialogue: Gathering for security or insecurity?

Manama dialogue: Gathering for security or insecurity?

BY: Pooya Mirzaei PEJOURNAL - In recent days, Bahrain has hosted a meeting in Manama called the Regional Security Summit. Although Bahrain was the nominal host of the Manama dialogue, the meeting could be considered to be hosted by Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, given Riyadh's godfather's ruling on Manama. The record of these countries, both domestically against their citizens and in the region against free nations like Yemen, shows that they are themselves part of the crisis and the cause of insecurity in the region, and therefore hosting Manama dialogue called the Regional Security Summit is a clear contradiction. Official…
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Hacker group leak secret information of Senior Israeli Intelligence

Hacker group leak secret information of Senior Israeli Intelligence

PEJOURNAL - A hacker group called 'Justice for Palestine' released confidential information of high-ranking Israeli intelligence and military officials in the cyberspace. The group, whose mission is said to be "revealing the identities of the Zionist regime's criminal elements who harm the innocent Palestinian people", has released first-hand information on the personal and private lives, addresses, telephone numbers and lifestyles of high-ranking Israeli military and security officials in the form of text, photos and videos in Persian on the Telegram channel @ justice_palestine. The channel, which describes itself as "an international popular network of freedom-seeking and noble supporters of justice,…
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As the U.S. “Empire” frays, there is Zubeidi and his colleagues

As the U.S. “Empire” frays, there is Zubeidi and his colleagues

BY: Martin Love PEJOURNAL - It has been reported that Zakaria Zubeidi, one of the four of six escapees from maximum security Gilboa Prison in the West Bank who was recaptured by Zionist thugs, has been admitted to an ICU at an Israeli hospital after repeated rounds of torture that included breaking one of his legs and then hanging him upside down by his broken leg, among other atrocities. As for the two escapees who have not yet been recaptured, it has been suggested that one of them MAY have been able to cross into Lebanon, given some unconfirmed evidence…
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Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s message to the Palestinian nation

Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s message to the Palestinian nation

PEJOURNAL - Grand Ayatollah Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, has extended his congratulations for the victory of the Palestinian nation over the Zionist regime in a message.  In this message, Grand Ayatollah Khamenei congratulated the Palestinian resistance on its victory in the 12-day war with the Zionist regime. The text of the message of the Leader of the Revolution is as follows: In the name of God, the compassionate the merciful Peace be upon the oppressed Palestine; Greetings to the brave and zealous youth of Palestine, greetings to the heroic and resilient Gaza, greetings to Hamas…
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The declining movement of the Zionist regime has begun

The declining movement of the Zionist regime has begun

PEJOURNAL - "The declining movement of the Zionist regime has begun." mentioned by Grand Ayatollah Khamenei, Supreme Leader of the Iranian Revolution, in the speech regarding to International Quds Day. This speech was broadcast live on the internal and external networks of Radio and Television and the site and accounts of Khamenei.ir on social networks. The text of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei's speech is as follows: In the name of God, Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds, and prayer, and peace be upon our Sayyid Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets, and the Most High, the Creator of…
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Hamas military future in the context of national reconciliation talks

Hamas military future in the context of national reconciliation talks

PEJOURNAL - The fate of Hamas' military wing has always been controversial in the Palestinian National Reconciliation talks. This dispute over Hamas' military future has been a major reason for the failure of efforts to reconcile the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. Mahmoud Abbas wants the PA to take full control of all weapons and security in Gaza, but Hamas does not accept the surrender of weapons and considers it its red line. On the other hand, there have always been initiatives by some Palestinian groups for reconciliation and national unity, and with Trump's actions in recent years in unilaterally supporting…
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The imminent war between Hezbollah and the Zionist regime

The imminent war between Hezbollah and the Zionist regime

BY: William Holmes PEJOURNAL - Israeli and regional media have recently highlighted the possibility of an imminent war with Hezbollah aimed at destroying its weapons resources. The present article deals with the possibility of this war, the motives and obstacles of the two sides, and its regional effects. Strategic think tank of explanation Hezbollah has released a video threatening to destroy key Israeli bases with point-to-point missiles in recent weeks. Israeli Defense Minister Beni Gantz also blamed the Lebanese government for any possible Hezbollah attack on the Zionist regime, citing Hezbollah's efforts to expand its missiles. Examining the military capabilities…
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Bahrain becomes latest Arab state to recognize Israel, following UAE betrayal

Bahrain becomes latest Arab state to recognize Israel, following UAE betrayal

PEJOURNAL - Bahrain on Friday agreed to normalize relations with Israel, becoming the latest Arab state to do so as part of a broader activities by Donald Trump and his administration to further ease the Zionist regime's relative isolation in the Middle East. Trump announced the agreement on the 19th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, following a phone call he had with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. They also issued a brief joint statement marking the second such Arab normalization agreement with Israel in the past two months, after UAE-Israel so…
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Deciphering the revelation of Arab-Israel relations

Deciphering the revelation of Arab-Israel relations

PEJOURNAL - Revealing UAE Political Relations with Israel, continues the path of compromise rulers who, after losing to Zionist regime, sought the liberation of Holy Quds only from hotel lobbies and international conferences, and achieved nothing but repeated concessions of retreat from, did not have the Palestinian cause. The Arab states formally went to war with the Israel four times in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973, but were defeated in all but one case.The infamous Camp David Accords, signed jointly by Anwar Sadat, Menachem Begin and Jimmy Carter, marked the beginning of the regression of the Axis rulers, and Egypt…
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