Poland invaded the Czech Republic last month, but says it was just a big misunderstanding

Poland invaded the Czech Republic last month, but says it was just a big misunderstanding

PEJOURNAL - The Polish military has admitted it accidentally invaded the Czech Republic last month, but it insists its brief occupation of a small part of the country was simply a "misunderstanding."Polish soldiers mistakenly crossed the country's border with Czech Republic in late May before setting up there, the Czech foreign ministry told CNN. The soldiers, who had been guarding parts of the closed Polish-Czech border during the coronavirus pandemic, then started turning away Czech citizens who were attempting to visit a church in their own country.The snafu led the Czech embassy in Warsaw to take "immediate action" and notify…
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Political Economy Journal: What is the Iranian Navy Looking For in International Waters?

Political Economy Journal: What is the Iranian Navy Looking For in International Waters?

Dr. Seyed Alireza Behbahani - Specialist in Modern Diplomacy PEJOURNAL - We are a naval state and we have a navy that defends our resources, interests and borders. We have had a strong navy throughout history, the Supreme Leader said: "There was a time we were at sea and traveling all over the world, and nowadays there are those in the sea that didn't even exist back then, and now what have happened that they have come and we are absent." The sea is a source of power and wealth, and Anglo-Saxons and colonialists throughout history have barred any country…
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UWI: The United Sects of America; How cultists help to form of the US foreign policy

UWI: The United Sects of America; How cultists help to form of the US foreign policy

PEJOURNAL - The United World International has specifically examined the history of US cooperation with the three sects of Feto (Fethullah Gulen's terrorist movement), Falun Gong and the hypocritical terrorist group. If Washington continues to work with sects, its fate will be similar to that of a dog that was trained to attack others, but that dog eventually bites its owner's foot, according to the article. What follows is the full text of this article. The United States of America was the first country in the world to be built by sects. Representatives of the European persecution of Protestants settled…
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Political Economy Journal: Mysterious Corona Virus, Who is blamed?

Political Economy Journal: Mysterious Corona Virus, Who is blamed?

A Reality Fact Check By: Mohammad Ghaderi ( NOURNEWS/ President )Pooya Mirzaei ( NOURNEWS ENGLISH/ Director General )Syed Ali Sakkitticha ( NOURNEWS ENGLISH/ Editor ) PEJOURNAL - Coronavirus pandemic has been in center of discussion all over the world and the cause-effect have been thoroughly investigated in different corners of the world. United states have largely alleged China for the pandemic and different accusations have been made. So many people have responded to these biases. In this article we gathered different evidence supporting Chinese defenses against US allegations. Each and every allegation made are taken into consideration. We reached this…
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Iran To Reach Production Target At World’s Largest Gas Field This Year

Iran To Reach Production Target At World’s Largest Gas Field This Year

BY: Simon Watkins South Pars non-associated natural gas field is at the core of Iran’s strategy to produce at least one billion cubic metres per day (bcm/d) of natural gas as soon as possible and it is as important a target to Iran as reaching 5.7 million barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil output. PEJOURNAL - The South Pars non-associated natural gas field is at the core of Iran’s strategy to produce at least one billion cubic metres per day (bcm/d) of natural gas as soon as possible and it is as important a target to Iran as reaching…
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Foreign Affairs: America’s Opportunity in the Middle East; Diplomacy Could Succeed Where Military Force Has Failed

Foreign Affairs: America’s Opportunity in the Middle East; Diplomacy Could Succeed Where Military Force Has Failed

U.S. foreign policy hands are rightly grappling with how engaged the United States should be in the Middle East. Thought-provoking essays by Martin Indyk (in The Wall Street Journal) and Mara Karlin and Tamara Cofman Wittes (in Foreign Affairs) have argued that the United States has few remaining vital interests—those worth going to war over—in the region. Washington should “do less” in the Middle East, as Karlin and Wittes put it, and lighten the U.S. footprint because, as the headline of Indyk’s essay noted, it “isn’t worth it.” Gone are the days when 180,000 U.S. troops fought in Iraq or when spiking…
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NOURNEWS: U.S. Society at a Major Crossroad

NOURNEWS: U.S. Society at a Major Crossroad

BY: Martin Love PEJOURNAL/NORTH CAROLINA - What with all the violence and protest after the murder by a Minneapolis cop of a hapless Black man, the U.S. has been in riotous turmoil in myriad locations to an extent probably not seen on American streets since the height of the Vietnam War. And it’s not just over racism and police methods, but the murder of George Floyd was the sudden spark – a murder which in fact was a fairly common occurrence inside the U.S. It has been estimated that such crimes by police have occurred on average three times every…
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“Soon, hypersonic weapons will be added to them, which in a real confrontation with NATO can guarantee the destruction of any carriers of American nuclear weapons,” Yuri Netkachev. PEJOURNAL/Moscow - As it became known to Russia that the United States and other NATO countries will be holding a maneuver in Poland, the preparations for the command and staff exercises announced by the Minister of Defense Sergey Shoigu with the Baltic Fleet and the 6th combined army of the Russian Federation Armed Forces, related to the June maneuvers of the Allied Spirit. The American tactical nuclear weapons (TNW) will probably be…
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Political Economy Journal: The Impact of Social Networks on National Security amid Corona virus Pandemic

Political Economy Journal: The Impact of Social Networks on National Security amid Corona virus Pandemic

BY: Dr. Seyed Alireza Behbahani - Specialist in Modern Diplomacy Ensuring security is the most important reason for the existence of governments and ensuring the health of the nation is one of the most crucial components in establishing national security in a country. PEJOURNAL - Ensuring security is the most important reason for the existence of governments and ensuring the health of the nation is one of the most crucial components in establishing national security in a country. COVID-19 has shown the world that the health security is weak and vulnerable, and to illustrate how fast data and news reach…
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NOURNEWS: Argentina incorporated a new concept of antisemitism

NOURNEWS: Argentina incorporated a new concept of antisemitism

This new concept hides the equalization of the concept anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. Its use can directly affect those dissident voices to Zionism, generating a wave of censorship. PEJOURNAL/ Buenos Aires - The Argentine foreign ministry through resolution 114 of 2020 incorporated the anti-Semitism concept according to that stipulated by the International Alliance in Memory of the Holocaust (IHRA). It should be noted that the concept adduced by such an alliance states that "anti-Semitism is a certain perception of the Jews that can be expressed as hatred of the Jews. The physical and rhetorical manifestations of anti-Semitism that target Jewish or…
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