PEJOURNAL – Grand Ayatollah Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, has extended his congratulations for the victory of the Palestinian nation over the Zionist regime in a message. In this message, Grand Ayatollah Khamenei congratulated the Palestinian resistance on its victory in the 12-day war with the Zionist regime.
The text of the message of the Leader of the Revolution is as follows:
In the name of God, the compassionate the merciful
Peace be upon the oppressed Palestine; Greetings to the brave and zealous youth of Palestine, greetings to the heroic and resilient Gaza, greetings to Hamas and Jihad and all the jihadist and political groups in Palestine.
I thank God, Almighty, for the victory and honor he bestowed on the Palestinian Mujahideen, and I ask God, Almighty, for the descent of calmness and reassurance on the wounded hearts of the martyrs, and mercy and good news for the martyrs, and complete healing for the injured, and victory. Congratulations to the criminal Zionist regime.
The test of these few days made the Palestinian people proud.
The savage enemy and the wolf correctly recognized that he was incapable of a united Palestinian uprising.
The test of cooperation between Quds and the West Bank with Gaza and the 1948 territories and camps showed the future of the Palestinians.
In these 12 days, the tyrant regime committed great crimes, mainly in Gaza, and practically proved that due to its inability to counter the unified Palestinian uprising, it is committing such shameful and insane behaviors that incites the public opinion of the whole world against itself and its Western supporters, especially criminal America, even more than ever.
The continuation of the crimes and the request for a ceasefire were both Zionists defeats, so they had to accept defeat.
The evil regime will become even weaker. The readiness of the Palestinian youth, and the show of strength of valuable jihadist groups, and the constant numbers of forces, will make Palestine stronger day by day and the usurping enemy more powerless and weaker day by day.
The timing of the start and cessation of hostilities depends on the discretion of the Palestinian jihadist and political leaders, but the preparation and strong presence on the scene cannot be shutdown. The experience of the “Sheikh Jarrah” in resisting the tyranny of the regime and the mercenary settlers should be the constant instruction of the zealous Palestinian people. Greetings to the gentle men and women of “Sheikh Jarrah”.
The Islamic world is completely responsible for the Palestinian cause and has a religious duty. Political reason and the experiences of the government also confirm and emphasize this religious ruling. Muslim states must be sincere in supporting the Palestinian people, whether in military strengthening, in the financial support that is needed today more than in the past, or in rebuilding the infrastructure and destruction in Gaza.
The demand and pursuit of nations supports this religious and political demand. Muslim nations must demand this from their governments, and the nations themselves are obliged to provide financial and political support as much as possible.
Another important task is to pursue the punishment of the terrorist and cruel Zionist government. All awakened consciences acknowledge that the massive crime of killing Palestinian children and women in these 12 days should not go unpunished.
All influential elements of the regime together with the criminal Netanyahu must be prosecuted and punished by international and independent courts, and this will be realized around the divine power.
God will prevail over the matter.
21 May 2021
Seyyed Ali Khamenei