The Case for Joe Biden: America’s Straightforward Candidate

The Case for Joe Biden: America’s Straightforward Candidate

BY: Michael Robbins PEJOURNAL - Joe Biden is the Democratic Presidential candidate in the November 2020 election. He is not a new name in politics. His career has been lengthy, at times prolific, and despite what the critics on the right might say—he is a highly skilled diplomat and foreign affairs expert, especially when it comes to dealing with China and other big players on the international scene, as well as being able to locate other countries on the map. He has a sort of good-natured appeal for talking to leaders, for understanding their qualms, a quality that has been…
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Who will win the United States election?

Who will win the United States election?

BY: Valeria Rodriguez PEJOURNAL - On November 3, the presidential elections will be held in the United States and despite the fact that the polls indicate that the Democratic candidate is ahead, nothing has yet been given. So far, most polls put Democratic candidate Joe Biden at the head of the preferences over Republican candidate Donald Trump, who in his first virtual fundraiser for his re-election raised $ 20 million and admitted that he will invest from his own fortune in his re-election. Let's remember that in 2016, Trump invested 60 million of his assets to win the elections. Although…
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Neither the R’s nor the D’s seem fit to heal the United States disunity

Neither the R’s nor the D’s seem fit to heal the United States disunity

PEJOURNAL - Americans well know that the United States is basically divided into two camps comprising the two political parties, the Republicans (R’s) and the Democrats (D’s), neither of which are offering much to the average citizen and both of which is almost surely going to sink the US into a deeper morass than already exists with respect to useless foreign and domestic policies. One the R side one witnesses a bunch of loonies who don’t give serious thought to much of anything and enjoy the camaraderie of their kind, public rallies of all sorts some of which may include…
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