Joe Biden

Biden breaks silence on college protests over Gaza conflict

Biden breaks silence on college protests over Gaza conflict

Under mounting political pressure, U.S. President Joe Biden broke his silence on campus unrest over the war in Gaza on Thursday, saying Americans have the right to demonstrate but not to unleash violence. "There is a right to protest, but not a right to cause chaos," Biden said in remarks at the White House. With television images of campus unrest that have swept the country in recent days playing out on news networks, Biden has faced criticism of his handling of the situation. He had been leaving it largely up to his spokespersons to comment. The Democratic president, seeking re-election in November, has walked a…
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Europe’s blind investment in American endless wars

Europe’s blind investment in American endless wars

BY: William Homes PEJOURNAL - These days, there is nothing beyond the fall of the US-backed Ashraf Ghani government in Afghanistan and the re-emergence of the Taliban and its unfortunate consequences for Europe. This unexpected change has preoccupied the minds of Europeans and the political and security circles of the continent. The continent of Europe, which in 2015, following the escalation of the civil war in Syria and Iraq and the rise of ISIS in these two countries, faced a crisis of refugees and war refugees, as well as unprecedented fear of ISIS assassinations in European capitals, With the Taliban…
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America at a historical juncture for further deterioration or greater power

America at a historical juncture for further deterioration or greater power

BY: Pooya Mirzaei PEJOURNAL - Perhaps the most pessimistic American politicians did not imagine that Biden would be subjected to the harshest attacks, even nine months after the 46th President of the United States came to power, and even warned of the danger of his impeachment. Biden and his supporters, who during and after the election campaign incessantly blamed Trump for humiliating the United States on the world stage, and in a thunderous process, put all their grief and sorrow on reversing the actions of the former White House resident, were able to cotton all his achievements. But suddenly both…
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Major US oil companies face grilling by Congress

Major US oil companies face grilling by Congress

PEJOURNAL - Top oil executives have appeared before US lawmakers to face allegations they misled the public about climate change. Major producers were quizzed about the impact of the fossil fuels they profit from and their environmental toll. The hearing on Thursday, which Democrats hailed as historic, marked the first time oil bosses had answered questions publicly and under oath. The six-hour session saw some heated exchanges, with firms such as BP and Shell facing tough questions. "Some of us actually have to live the future that you are all setting on fire for us," Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said.…
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Washington’s doubts about the new strategic relations between China and Russia

Washington’s doubts about the new strategic relations between China and Russia

BY: William Holmes PEJOURNAL - The US President Joe Biden is looking at Russia in the conflict with China, and with major coalition-building, bilateral sanctions, he is further restricting the close ties between Beijing and Moscow. For Europeans in Russia's neighborhood too, the question has been raised over the years that it does not make sense for the Western world to impose sanctions on Russia so that Moscow moves farther away from Europe and rushes to Beijing. Looking at the geopolitics of the region and the fiery points of Europe in the Baltic, Balkan and Crimean regions; It is understandable…
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The defeat of US military power in the Crusades against Muslims in the Middle East

The defeat of US military power in the Crusades against Muslims in the Middle East

BY: Mohammad Ghaderi PEJOURNAL - Gradually, the voice of the US military power is becoming broken, which is heard today from Kabul Airport surrendering the world’s largest military power. The military, the world’s largest and most powerful army, is not even able to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan under normal circumstances, despite an agreement with the Taliban. This military defeat is not the only internal source to be sought in the divisions of American political identity and fragmented society. Numerous factors for this failure must be traced to the history and strategic mistakes of the United States over the past…
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US strategic absence in the Middle East to continue crisis; Taliban with the taste of al-Qaeda

US strategic absence in the Middle East to continue crisis; Taliban with the taste of al-Qaeda

BY: Pooya Mirzaei PEJOURNAL - Today, the United States is pursuing a strategic absence to continue to destabilize the region. From the Obama era to the hasty bombing of Libya, where the United States has never been able to overcome the crisis of government formation and civil war since the fall of Gaddafi; He considered strategic absence in foreign policy so that the United States would no longer bear the direct cost of a war. Since the Libyan war, Washington has openly refused to play Europe and its allies in decisions made in the White House, but after Trump came…
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Europe and America are the two losers of a terrible catastrophe: Tragedy, misery and crime as a result of 20 years of the US and Europe presence in Afghanistan

Europe and America are the two losers of a terrible catastrophe: Tragedy, misery and crime as a result of 20 years of the US and Europe presence in Afghanistan

BY: Tony Johnson PEJOURNAL - When the Taliban aspired to rule Afghanistan for the past 20 years, it was known as a terrorist group that collaborated with al-Qaeda. But today, due to US foreign policy confusion, there is a terrible government in Afghanistan. A regime that emerged with the flight of the United States and NATO from this country. What remains today in Afghanistan after 20 years of US and NATO military presence, as acknowledged by US and European military commanders and politicians, is in one sentence that our entry into Afghanistan was a tragedy, our presence is a tragedy,…
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What Biden hides about Afghanistan

What Biden hides about Afghanistan

BY: Mohammad Ghaderi PEJOURNAL - US President Joe Biden has said in a speech that China, Pakistan, Russia and Iran are trying to figure out what to do with the Taliban now! Biden's attempt to confuse these countries, including Iran, with Afghanistan is thought-provoking in several ways: First; Despite being fully aware of the Taliban's relationship with Pakistan, Biden has tried to mislead public opinion by putting this country next to Iran, China and Russia in order to accuse the United States of accusing of coordinating with ISI, Pakistan and the Taliban, and also to show the other three countries…
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Divergence fractions within the Democrats and Republicans with divergence of tastes in the two parties

Divergence fractions within the Democrats and Republicans with divergence of tastes in the two parties

BY: Mohammad Ghaderi PEJOURNAL - Examination of the American people’s policy priorities for 2021 reveals serious gaps between Republicans and Democrats in Congress on domestic and foreign policy and economic issues. With the United States facing two budget deficit crises and the global Covid-19 epidemic, the majority of Americans want the Biden administration and Congress to prioritize strengthening the economy and controlling the outbreak of coronavirus in 2021. But the wide-ranging gaps between people and policymakers that go beyond partisanship and politics have made issues of racial discrimination, countering COVID-19, compensating for the budget deficit and creating jobs still not…
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