Reuters: Macron says France won’t remove statues, erase history

Reuters: Macron says France won’t remove statues, erase history

PEJOURNAL - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Sunday fighting racism should not lead to a “hateful” re-writing of history following worldwide protests over the killing of George Floyd, a black man, by a police officer in the United States. Some protesters in the United States and elsewhere have targeted statues of historic figures associated with slavery or other past human rights abuses. “I will be very clear tonight, compatriots: the Republic won’t erase any name from its history. It will forget none of its artworks, it won’t take down statues,” he said in a televised address to the nation.
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AP: Iraqi army says two rockets hit Taji base that hosts US troops

AP: Iraqi army says two rockets hit Taji base that hosts US troops

PEJOURNAL - Two rockets have hit an Iraqi base frequented by US troops north of Baghdad without causing any casualties, Iraq's military says. The Katyusha rockets struck Camp Taji and caused minor damage but no injuries, according to the Iraqi military statement. In March, two US and one British soldier were killed following a barrage of rockets on Camp Taji, which has been used as a training base for a number of years.
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Poland invaded the Czech Republic last month, but says it was just a big misunderstanding

Poland invaded the Czech Republic last month, but says it was just a big misunderstanding

PEJOURNAL - The Polish military has admitted it accidentally invaded the Czech Republic last month, but it insists its brief occupation of a small part of the country was simply a "misunderstanding."Polish soldiers mistakenly crossed the country's border with Czech Republic in late May before setting up there, the Czech foreign ministry told CNN. The soldiers, who had been guarding parts of the closed Polish-Czech border during the coronavirus pandemic, then started turning away Czech citizens who were attempting to visit a church in their own country.The snafu led the Czech embassy in Warsaw to take "immediate action" and notify…
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“Soon, hypersonic weapons will be added to them, which in a real confrontation with NATO can guarantee the destruction of any carriers of American nuclear weapons,” Yuri Netkachev. PEJOURNAL/Moscow - As it became known to Russia that the United States and other NATO countries will be holding a maneuver in Poland, the preparations for the command and staff exercises announced by the Minister of Defense Sergey Shoigu with the Baltic Fleet and the 6th combined army of the Russian Federation Armed Forces, related to the June maneuvers of the Allied Spirit. The American tactical nuclear weapons (TNW) will probably be…
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NOURNEWS: Argentina incorporated a new concept of antisemitism

NOURNEWS: Argentina incorporated a new concept of antisemitism

This new concept hides the equalization of the concept anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. Its use can directly affect those dissident voices to Zionism, generating a wave of censorship. PEJOURNAL/ Buenos Aires - The Argentine foreign ministry through resolution 114 of 2020 incorporated the anti-Semitism concept according to that stipulated by the International Alliance in Memory of the Holocaust (IHRA). It should be noted that the concept adduced by such an alliance states that "anti-Semitism is a certain perception of the Jews that can be expressed as hatred of the Jews. The physical and rhetorical manifestations of anti-Semitism that target Jewish or…
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Libya’s war; Erdogan says ‘agreements’ reached with Trump

Libya’s war; Erdogan says ‘agreements’ reached with Trump

PEJOURNAL - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said "some agreements" have been reached with his US counterpart Donald Trump that could herald a "new era" in the conflict in Libya. Turkey supports the internationally recognised government of Fayez al-Sarraj, whose forces have in recent weeks driven back an assault on the capital, Tripoli, by the forces of renegade commander Khalifa Haftar. While the US officially supports Libya's UN-recognised Government of National Accord (GNA), Haftar is supported by Washington's allies - Egypt, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), France, and Saudi Arabia - as well as Russia. "After our call this evening,…
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Danger of ‘miscalculation’ as global powers scramble for position in Libya

Danger of ‘miscalculation’ as global powers scramble for position in Libya

PEJOURNAL - War-ravaged Libya begins a new phase of armed conflict after forces loyal to the internationally recognised government in Tripoli besieged strongholds of warlord Khalifa Haftar in the country’s centre and south. At least 16,000 civilians were displaced in the recent weeks of fighting in which numerous military facilities, neighbourhoods and towns changed hands in western Libya, according to the United Nations. Now the battle has moved to the coastal city of Sirte, the hometown of former leader Muammar Gaddafi, and the remote airbase in Jufrah, where Russians have quartered a dozen war jets as well as mercenaries of…
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Caracas Receives Testing Kits From Iran to ‘Strengthen Venezuela in Its Fight Against Coronavirus’

Caracas Receives Testing Kits From Iran to ‘Strengthen Venezuela in Its Fight Against Coronavirus’

Although Venezuela lifted its corona-virus related restrictions on 1 June, Caracas continues to grapple with the repercussions of the disease which has claimed the lives of at least 22 people there, according to the World Health Organisation. PEJOURNAL - The Venezuelan government has announced the arrival of an Iranian plane with a cargo of humanitarian aid on board to help the South American country tackle the coronavirus pandemic. Speaking on state television Monday, Venezuela's Planning Minister Ricardo Menendez said that “right now, what we are receiving is different types of testing kits”.  He echoed Iran's Ambassador to Venezuela Hojjatollah Soltani…
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