US confession on Navalny’s death

US confession on Navalny’s death

The belated admission by US intelligence agencies that Russian President Vladimir Putin did not order the killing of Alexei Navalny raises questions about the US motives in initially making the claim and now withdrawing it. The Wall Street Journal revealed that US intelligence agencies concluded in their investigation into the death of Navalny, a Kremlin critic, that Vladimir Putin likely did not issue an order to kill him. The journal added that this widely accepted conclusion within the US intelligence community has been shared by the including the Central Intelligence Agency, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and…
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US interest in allying with terrorist groups rather than cooperating with European allies

US interest in allying with terrorist groups rather than cooperating with European allies

BY: Alfonso Gomez Delacroz PEJOURNAL - The defeat in Afghanistan and the catastrophic retreat after 20 years of spending in this country show the irreparable recklessness in US foreign policy today. The first characteristic that comes to mind from the confusion is the paradigm shift in American foreign policy. A fundamental turnaround that does not endorse the claims of US pioneering in the international system and the new world order declared by this country, or at least Washington's efforts to do so. In the meantime, however, the problem is that after World War II, the United States in particular sought…
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America at a historical juncture for further deterioration or greater power

America at a historical juncture for further deterioration or greater power

BY: Pooya Mirzaei PEJOURNAL - Perhaps the most pessimistic American politicians did not imagine that Biden would be subjected to the harshest attacks, even nine months after the 46th President of the United States came to power, and even warned of the danger of his impeachment. Biden and his supporters, who during and after the election campaign incessantly blamed Trump for humiliating the United States on the world stage, and in a thunderous process, put all their grief and sorrow on reversing the actions of the former White House resident, were able to cotton all his achievements. But suddenly both…
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Areas of Artificial Intelligence with strategic applications

Areas of Artificial Intelligence with strategic applications

PEJOURNAL - First applications of Artificial Intelligence date back to the World War II, which was used for encrypting and decrypting based on machine learning. Artificial intelligence has a wide and various range of applications, covering from production of goods to help solving complicated issues and working with biometric data. Artificial Intelligence has different levels containing limited area of carrying out normal and routine duties of a human to public areas such as understanding the environment like a human and even a higher level of human understanding. Artificial Intelligence higher than human understanding has not been materialized yet but in…
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NATO Developed New Methods of Cognitive Warfare

NATO Developed New Methods of Cognitive Warfare

BY: Leonid Savin PEJOURNAL - A leading role in Cognitive Warfare direction is played by the Innovation for Defense Excellence and Security (IDEaS) Specialized Center, also known as the Innovation Hub, located in Canada. However, this center is not included in the list of NATO’s official accredited centers of excellence , such as the Center for Cooperative Cyber ​​Defense in Tallinn or the Center for Energy Security in Vilnius. Probably, NATO did not want to draw attention to its work, so it functions “autonomously”. It should be admitted that this concealment approach was successful, since, judging by the news feed, the Center began work…
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The US is involved in the attack on the Prime Minister’s residence

The US is involved in the attack on the Prime Minister’s residence

PEJOURNAL - Chairman of the Political Council of al-Nujaba, Shaykh al-Asadi stressed that all the evidence points to the involvement of the United States in the attack on Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi’s residence and called for the closure of the American embassy and the expulsion of its ambassador from Iraq. According to the Communication and Media Affairs Centre of al-‎Nujaba in Iran‎, Shaykh Ali al-Asadi, the head of the political council of the al-Nujaba Islamic Resistance Movement, called the attack on the Prime Minister’s residence an attempt to plunge Iraq into an abyss of internal crisis, which would have dangerous…
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US secrecy over nuclear submarine incident in South China Sea

US secrecy over nuclear submarine incident in South China Sea

BY: Pooya Mirzaei PEJOURNAL - Nearly a month ago, the media reported that a US nuclear submarine had struck rocks under the waters of the South China Sea. The U.S. Army Pacific Fleet said in a statement that one of its fastest nuclear and nuclear submarines crashed into a rock while navigating international waters in the Indo-Pacific region. Since then, the Chinese government has demanded a clear and precise explanation from the United States in connection with the incident, but the US Navy has not yet provided any explanation on how the submarine behaved and continues to be secretive in…
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EU, NATO and the challenges for a foreign policy and community defense policy

EU, NATO and the challenges for a foreign policy and community defense policy

BY: Paolo Mauri Translated BY: Costantino Ceoldo PEJOURNAL - The need to adopt a common defense and foreign policy has strongly returned to the agenda of the European Union. The triggering cause, or if we want “the straw that broke the camel's back”, was the unilateral management by the United States of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, which essentially excluded the Allies belonging to NATO from the decision-making processes of the Kabul evacuation operation. The prodromes of this renewed need had been advanced, as we well know, by French President Emmanuel Macron, who earlier this year stated that Europe needed “strategic…
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China’s new hypersonic missile test

China’s new hypersonic missile test

PEJOURNAL - In August, a Chinese rocket carried a projectile into space. That projectile, reported by US intelligence agencies as a missile and by China as a reusable space vehicle, fell into an orbit, circled the globe, and then glided into a spot about 24 miles away from its original target. The launch represents a demonstration of a new capability for China, the revitalization of an old technology, and a complicated way to bypass existing missile defenses. While the speed and the gliding are notable parts of the system China launched, what most stands out is the specific trajectory it…
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Major US oil companies face grilling by Congress

Major US oil companies face grilling by Congress

PEJOURNAL - Top oil executives have appeared before US lawmakers to face allegations they misled the public about climate change. Major producers were quizzed about the impact of the fossil fuels they profit from and their environmental toll. The hearing on Thursday, which Democrats hailed as historic, marked the first time oil bosses had answered questions publicly and under oath. The six-hour session saw some heated exchanges, with firms such as BP and Shell facing tough questions. "Some of us actually have to live the future that you are all setting on fire for us," Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said.…
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