A simple guide to the Pandora Papers leak

A simple guide to the Pandora Papers leak

PEJOURNAL - The Pandora Papers is a leak of almost 12 million documents that reveals hidden wealth, tax avoidance and, in some cases, money laundering by some of the world's rich and powerful. More than 600 journalists in 117 countries have been trawling through the files from 14 sources for months, finding stories that are being published this week. The data was obtained by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) in Washington DC, which has been working with more than 140 media organisations on its biggest ever global investigation. BBC Panorama and the Guardian have led the investigation in…
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The new German chancellor will come from one of the old parties but the policies will be shaped by the young

The new German chancellor will come from one of the old parties but the policies will be shaped by the young

BY: Anke Hassel* PEJOURNAL - German Federal election ended an astonishing campaign run, unprecedented in the country’s postwar history. Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union party experienced a landslide defeat, not only losing about a quarter of its vote share, a number of important constituencies – including the one that Merkel herself held – but also ending up in third place in three of the eastern states of Germany, behind the Social Democrats and the rightwing, populist AfD. Since 2015, the Christian Democrats have gone from being the dominant force in German politics, almost invincible and the only remaining dominant party…
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Algeria’s former president Abdelaziz Bouteflika: towering figure, both in regional, international politics

Algeria’s former president Abdelaziz Bouteflika: towering figure, both in regional, international politics

BY: Hana Saada PEJOURNAL - Former Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika died, late Friday, September 17th, 2021, at the age of 84 after enduring years of ill health, reported the Algerian Presidency of the Republic late Friday. To this end, the late Bouteflika was buried, Sunday, in the Martyrs’ Square in El-Alia cemetery. The late Bouteflika, a veteran of Algeria’s war for independence, had taken Algeria’s reign of power for two decades before his resignation in April 2019. He joined the independence war against France at the age of 19 as a protege of commander Boumediene, who became president in 1965.…
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AUKUS: From breaking the Non‑Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to the global insecurity

AUKUS: From breaking the Non‑Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to the global insecurity

BY: Pooya Mirzaei PEJOURNAL - The leaders of the United States, Britain and Australia signed a diplomatic, security and military co-operation agreement targeting the Indo-Pacific region, that is called AUKUS. The key point in AUKUS is that Australia's nuclear submarine program will be the first major project of this pact that will help Australia acquire nuclear submarines. Although the media and political circles claim that the purpose of AUKUS agreement is to counter China's growing influence in the world, a deep look at AUKUS reveals several important points: First; The agreement focuses on Australia's acquisition of a nuclear submarine in…
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What Biden hides about Afghanistan

What Biden hides about Afghanistan

BY: Mohammad Ghaderi PEJOURNAL - US President Joe Biden has said in a speech that China, Pakistan, Russia and Iran are trying to figure out what to do with the Taliban now! Biden's attempt to confuse these countries, including Iran, with Afghanistan is thought-provoking in several ways: First; Despite being fully aware of the Taliban's relationship with Pakistan, Biden has tried to mislead public opinion by putting this country next to Iran, China and Russia in order to accuse the United States of accusing of coordinating with ISI, Pakistan and the Taliban, and also to show the other three countries…
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Reducing unemployment insurance has made Americans poorer

Reducing unemployment insurance has made Americans poorer

PEJOURNAL - The results of a study conducted by a number of American university professors show that the US government's move to reduce unemployment insurance and COVID-relief payment, instead of increasing employment rates has made people poorer. A number of US university professors, including Arian Dobeh and Suresh Naidu, published an article last week examining the impact of the massive drop in unemployment benefits in 22 states in June. The team was able to use banking transaction data and compare it with recipients of unemployment benefits in states that did not reduce benefits to get an accurate estimate of the…
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Is Thailand under Israeli influence?

Is Thailand under Israeli influence?

PEJOURNAL - On June 3, a group of Muslims in Thailand show solidarity with Palestine and support the campaign against Israeli occupation by putting up the Palestinian flag with the message #FreePALESTINE" on a large billboard in the center of Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. After that, it had been reported that a high-rank Thai police officer from the special branch had pressured the advertising agency and the billboard owner to remove the billboard because they were afraid it would affect the relationship between Thailand and Israel. However, they had been rejected. Later there was an attempt to create more…
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Which country has the mysterious air base in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait?

Which country has the mysterious air base in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait?

BY: Pooya Mirzaei PEJOURNAL - The Associated Press has published a report on a "mysterious air base" that the news agency claims is being built on a volcanic island near Yemen.The report emphasizes that the construction site of this air base has been selected in one of the most important offshore parts of the world in terms of energy transportation and commercial cargo. Euronews also reported, citing the Associated Press, that no country has officially claimed responsibility for the construction of the mysterious air base on Perim Island (also called Mayyun in Arabic) in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, but maritime…
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Necessity of forming the club of countries countering US sanctions

Necessity of forming the club of countries countering US sanctions

PEJOURNAL - Some 30 countries of the world with more than one and a half billion people are presently under the sanctions of the United States in various forms. Iran, China and Russia are the most significant of these countries. In addition to governments, some economic giants and cartels such as companies involved in the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline as well as Turkey, as a US ally in NATO, have been also exposed to lesser extents to the US sanctions. Even though there are news recently about the formation of a global coalition among the countries…
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Widespread cyber attack on Israeli companies

Widespread cyber attack on Israeli companies

PEJOURNAL - According to the Haaretz newspaper, a hacker group posted the logo of the Israeli company H&M and announced that the company had been hacked. This hacker group has announced its name as "Net Worm".According to this report, the logistics company "Veritas" has also been hacked by this group. The group claims that it will release 110 GB of H&M data and 9 GB of Veritas data. An Israeli computer company claims that Iranian hackers are behind the operation. "We believe this is an Iranian attacker, but he pretends to be a Russian," said Shay Pinsker of OP Innovate,…
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